Kitesurfing at São Vicente
Kitesurfing in São Vicente (Cape Verde) is a topic with just a small amount of quality (true) information on the net. To make sure you get the best information for your kitesurfing trip, kitesurfing holiday of if you are starting kitesurfing lessons on São Vicente, we gathered all the relevant information you need to know when it comes to kitesurfing on São Vicente Cape Verde.
São Vicente wind conditions
Let’s start with the wind on São Vicente. Like we have stated on our Cape Verde Weather page, there is almost every day a good wind from half December until the end of May. It hardly ever occurs during this period that you cannot kite on São Vicente. How awesome is that right? And at the end of the day it is always blowing a little bit harder because of the thermal wind. So a kitesurf holiday with just sitting on the beach and watching how the sea (and your vacation) passes by, is not applicable on São Vicente. A typical day of wind is around 16-20 knots cross shore. For more practical information about the wind, kite sizes etc, see our kitesurfing São Vicente FAQ.
Kitesurf location São Pedro
There are several places on the island to kitesurf. One of the most advanced locations is São Pedro. This spot is located next to the airport and only for advanced kitesurfers. Because of the strong offshore wind, we suggest you only kitesurf there in arrangement with our team.
This way you will be accompanied with a boat and people from our team in case of a rescue emergency. The water at São Pedro is absolutely beautiful and flat. Every (advanced) kitesurfer (and windsurfers as well) fall in love with this place.
Kitesurf location Baia das Gatas
Another flat water spot is Baia das Gatas (Catfish bay). We are proud to say that our Richard is the first kitesurfer ever to kitesurf there. He tried the spot while everybody said it wasn’t possible. Baia das Gatas is a bay which is filled by the roughish ocean. Local people of São Vicente com there in the weekend with the family to swim and snorkel a little bit. In almost whole the bay the water just reaches your middle.

The challenge at Baias das Gatas is the rocks. Richard found out that the most of the time you can kitesurf at Baia das Gatas from 8AM until noon(ish). Then the water goes down and after that you will wreck your board and if you are really unlucky, your neck as well. But, the spot is so flat that it is an excellent spot for freestyle practicing. The downside is the limited space. Kiteloop practicing is hard because if you fail, you can wind up on the rocks or in the telephone pole.
Because of the limited space, the rocks, small launching area with telephone cables in the air, we only suggest to kitesurf here as an intermediate to advanced kitesurfer. For kitesurfing at São Pedro we think it is mandatory to arrange something with us because of your safety. For Baia das Gatas we don’t want to state the same, but we prefer that you arrange a trip with us to kitesurf at Baia das Gatas as well. Just at least don’t go alone as well or let us explain you the spot one time.
Kitesurf location Calhau
And then we have Calhau located in the upper north of the island of São Vicente. The water is absolutely beautiful, but this is because of the untouched blue roughish ocean. The current is strong and Calhau is definitely not a place for beginners. If you like waves, Calhau is really the place to be. We regularly organize day trips to Calhau to surf. This way you can enjoy the beautiful waves with full observation, a meal and it is more fun to kitesurf with other people of course.
Kitesurf location Salamansa
Salamansa is the kitesurf spot at São Vicente where almost all the action happens. Salamansa is a spacious beach with winds varying from 16-27 knots NE / NNE. In the center of the beach you will find steady wind for kitesurfing where the wind gets a little but more gusty downwind. But, because of the rocks downwind, you will find absolutely beautiful waves. Kitesurfing downwind in Salamansa is taking more risk. More upwind you will find stunning waves as well. Beautiful waves with steady brakes with makes the heartbeat of every wave surfer go faster.
In our experience the adventure kitesurfers go downwind, the beginners and freestylers stay at the center and the wave lovers disappear (for hours) upwind.
Most of the kitesurf action from our trips and kitesurf holidays are at Salamansa. We prefer to kitesurf with our holiday clients and kitesurf trippers on Salamsansa because of the location, space and possibilities. For more information about the possibilities, see our kitesurfing Salamansa page.
We make sure that you can get (if applicable) housing at te beach, meals everyday and the best instructor and surveillance options at the beach. Our experience shows that arranging this by yourself is a drama, badly organized and costly in time and especially money.
Kitesurf lessons in São Vicente Cape Verde from beginner to advanced.