Kitesurfing FAQ

The used size when kiting is always dependent on various factors like your weight and skills. Though there is not one kite size that fits all, we see that the most used sizes are the 9 to 12 meter kites. With a 10 or 11 meter kite and intermediate level, you are most probably able to kite 95% of the time on São Vicente.
São Vicente offers several kite spots which you can find on this page. Though the difference and unique character of every kite spot, we feel that kiting for absolute beginners can be a little bit trick on São Vicente. One kite surf spot has a lot of waves, the other kite surf paradise has flat water, but very limited space and a lot of tricky rocks. We therefore think it is wise to contact us or other kite surfers you might know here to explain you the spot and help you the first days.
This is a common problem for a lot of kitesurfers. Fortunately we have a lot of possibilites on our primary kite spot where the partner can relax, eat, drink and where the kids can play and enjoy themselves freely. Of course it is also possible to give lessons to your partner while you are enjoying the waters.
The kite spots are far from crowded. Though the spots have challenges in the beginning for absolute beginners, this is an absolute plus. There is plenty of space on our primary spot to kite and launch your kite. Images like Sal where people hit each other his kite, fighting is absolutely the contrary of São Vicente.
Depending on your personal skills, it is possible to learn how to kite surf within several. But, kite surfing is like dancing or driving a car. The minute you get your drivers license, it is only starting. To become a good driver or dancer, it is all about the miles and hours. This is exactly the same with kite surfing. Every minute you spent on the waters of São Vicente surfing, the better you get. If you therefore plan a vacation of two weeks or more, you will have a good balance with lessons and practicing afterwards.
Depending on your personal skills, it is possible to learn how to kite surf within several. But, kite surfing is like dancing or driving a car. The minute you get your drivers license, it is only starting. To become a good driver or dancer, it is all about the miles and hours. This is exactly the same with kite surfing. Every minute you spent on the waters of São Vicente surfing, the better you get. If you therefore plan a vacation of two weeks or more, you will have a good balance with lessons and practicing afterwards.