Baía das Gatas, São Vicente, Cape Verde
Baía das Gatas is a village located at the island of São Vicente in Cape Verde. Baía das Gatas is a small community where you will mostly find the most beautiful houses of São Vicente. The houses and apartments in Baía das Gatas are mostly owned by local upperclass people of São Vicente of foreigners who like to reside in Baía das Gatas during the holidays.
So what makes Baía das Gatas a popular place on São Vicente for these specific people? Baía das Gatas breathes serenity. The beautiful blue water, the quietness and the total atmosphere of relaxation make Baía das Gatas a popular place to reside for higher educated and/or upperclass people of São Vicente. Tourists looking for rest, relaxation and having the ability to swim or snorkel, will definitely enjoy Baía das Gatas.
Stay in Baía das Gatas or Mindelo?
Any suggestions when it comes to apartments, villas or hotels
Of course! We have managed to get the best places to stay when it comes to comfort, price and location. In Baía das Gatas for example we have the finest villas where you can easily stay with your partner, friends. Because of the extremely good pricing you can even stay alone in this beautiful villas. In Baía das Gatas we have villas available which will make you feel a real king or queen.

Baía das Gatas Villa
Casa Rosa da Baía is a beautiful and spacious villa located at the beautiful bay of Baía das Gatas in São Vicente. For an extremely low price you can reside on one of the most beautiful spots of the island of São Vicente